Art Experience>>@Art_With_Ohbe

Today I had an unscheduled visit to an Art Gallery in Sunnypark Mall Pretoria, where I met up with 3 Young Talented Artists, one being an Abstract Art Curator, another being an Entrepreneur/ Clothing Label Founder a Music DJ an Art Enthusiast and Lastly another fellah being the Brains behind the Art Gallery.

As I correctly mentioned me being there was a total unscheduled visit as I had no intentions of being around that area to start with, however I do not know what was it that drew me to that Mall and at that particular Floor, whatever that was, I am grateful it took me there. One thing that stood our was the fact that such a movement is scarce in the Black Community, I am saying Black because it is seldom to find Black individuals especially the youth, being actively involved in pursuing their talent in Art.
As much as one may say those that do not know might be lazy or ignorant, the actual fact is that for every 10th young person in every community, only 3 have the idea of how the inside of an Art Exhibition looks like, or how the seating arrangements of a Theater House is aligned, therefore engaging with those three fellahs that are doing their hand in preserving and keeping Art alive was encouraging enough to get to know that there is Hope in the future of Art and an attempt to getting township kids into the Art Space……

Await our full article to follow soon but for now, here’s a peak on few art-works as Exhibited.

Please follow our new art inspired Instagram account  @Art_With_Ohbe


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