Interview with Mr. Mangamana Eric Lubisi

Q: As a fine Artist and a Curator how long have you been doing what you do?
A: Been working as a full-time Artist for 40 years.

Q: What is it that has made you decide to venture in this field?
A: Talent and the need that made me want to be amongst the number of black people to build their careers out of Art fulltime.

Q: What is the inspiration behind your work?
A: Identity, Land, Travelling, Reading, Dreaming, Conservinists inspired by story telling. It’s therapeutic.

Q: What message do you convey through you work?
A: I tell stories of Africa, stories meant for inspiration.

Q: What has been your biggest obstacle you have encouted in your career?
A: Lack of theoretical Education to the people about Art.

Q: What has been the highlight of your career?
A: A Transnet project I was assigned to paint the history of the railway line between Mozambique and Pretoria turning 100 years Exhibited in Maputo.

Q: If there was or is someone to thank for having a hand of assistance in your career who would it be?
A: My parents, Mr. A.B Nkabinde he was my primary teacher, my high school teacher Mr. Alexander Selepe and Mr. Andrew Mojwadi.

Q: When observing the Fine Art industry in South Africa do you see a bright future?
A: Yes, the future can be determined by us, but we haven’t started because the youth have the ability to determine whether the future can be bright or not.

Q: If you were to be given a chance to re-take any decision relating to your career what would it be?
A: A decision to travel more extensively, stay in foreign countries, working hard and more.

Q: Any upcoming projects or future plans people should be on the look-out for?
A: A one man exhibition, coming up very very soon.


 By: @ThaPoetOhbe


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