#myMusic_ #myExpression

FINALE Part #1TOP 5 Afro_Soul TRACKS

(We are going back into our Music Collection for this one)

1. Kabomo feat Nothende _ Colour Of You [ Bio www.reverbnation.com/artist_1686764?mobile_redirection=disabled ]
4. The Muffinz _ Umsebenzi wendoda [ Bio thedustysoul.wordpress.com/tag/the-muffinz-umsebenzi-wedoda/ ]
5. Afrotraction _ Imali YamaLobolo [Bio www.electromode.co.za/artist_Afrotraction.html ]
Arranged in no particular Order.
The mentioned Songs are of no Unlawful Affiliated Compilation Whatsoever.

Compiled by
M.P.H Music Promotions

The Unheard Poet


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