Journey Continues. . #26
What’s New?

New Year, the Dreams are new the Goals too but we still Swear, as our knowledge expands new wisdom accumulates like mental renovations no more waits the wheel spins but its not permanent like the colours on this Models Hairs. .
Day dreamers turn to be Achievers and Dream chasers see and claim Opportunities, street wise is smart and smart wise is deep, education is always new that’s why I clap hands to those Universities, while underground movements are brutal mental senses of followers aren’t weak, Steep!! New out plays the Old upgrade hobbies every Week, Seek!! Nothing but just the best cause Best comes first than those worst, life is a Test!! That depends on each single chance and pre-chances we therefore receive to make us pass!! What’s New??? The thinking in us, cause it’s us who see past the passed and re-write the next. .Future. . .



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